Prescription Refill Request
Medical Supply Reordering & Accounts
OPEN 7 DAYS 9AM-7PM*check with us for holiday hours173 Elm Street Pittsfield, MA 01201

Privacy Policy - Commitment to your privacy

This site is owned and operated by Flynns Pharmacy. It was created and is hosted by BerkSites. Your privacy on the Internet is of the utmost importance to us. At BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy, we want to make your experience online satisfying and safe.

Because we gather certain types of information about our users, we feel you should fully understand our policy and the terms and conditions surrounding the capture and use of that information. This privacy statement discloses what information we gather and how we use it.

INFORMATION BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy GATHERS AND TRACKS

BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy gathers two types of information about users:

Information that users provide through optional, voluntary submissions. These are voluntary submissions to receive our electronic newsletters, to participate in our message boards or forums, to email a friend, and from participation in polls and surveys:

Information BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy gathers through aggregated tracking information derived mainly by tallying page views throughout our sites. This information allows us to better tailor our content to readers' needs and to help our advertisers and sponsors better understand the demographics of our audience. Because BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy derives its revenue from sponsorships and advertising, providing such aggregated demographic data is essential to keeping our service free to users. Under no circumstances does BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy divulge any information about an individual user to a third party.


BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy Gathers User Information In The Following Processes:

Optional Voluntary Information

We offer the following free services, which require some type of voluntary submission of personal information by users:

1. Electronic newsletters policy (Dispatches)

We will offer a free electronic newsletter to users. BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy gathers the email addresses of users who voluntarily subscribe. Users may remove themselves from this mailing list by following the link provided in every newsletter that points users to the subscription management page. Users can also subscribe to the newsletters at the time of registration.

2. Message boards/forums policy

Users of the site's Message Boards and Forums must register separately for these services in order to post messages, although they needn't register to visit the site. During registration the user is required to supply a username, password, and email address.

3. "E-mail this to a friend" policy

Our site users can choose to electronically forward a link, page, or documents to someone else by clicking "e-mail this to a friend". The user must provide their email address, as well as that of the recipient. This information is used only in the case of transmission errors and, of course, to let the recipient know who sent the email. The information is not used for any other purpose.

4. Polling

We may offer interactive polls to users so they can easily share their opinions with other users and see what our audience thinks about important issues. Opinions or other responses to polls are aggregated and are not identifiable to any particular user. BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy may use a system to "tag" users after they have voted, so they can vote only once on a particular question. This tag is not correlated with information about individual users.

5. Surveys

BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy may occasionally conduct user surveys to better target our content to our audience. We sometimes share the aggregated demographic information in these surveys with our sponsors, advertisers and partners. We never share any of this information about specific individuals with any third party.

Privacy Policy changes


Consistent with the Federal Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), we will never knowingly request personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13 without requesting parental consent.

Usage tracking

BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy tracks user traffic patterns throughout all of our sites. However, we do not correlate this information with data about individual users. BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy does break down overall usage statistics according to a user's domain name, browser type, and MIME type by reading this information from the browser string (information contained in every user's browser).

BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy sometimes tracks and catalogs the search terms that users enter in our Search function, but this tracking is never associated with individual users. We use tracking information to determine which areas of our sites users like and don't like based on traffic to those areas. We do not track what individual users read, but rather how well each page performs overall. This helps us continue to build a better service for you.


We may place a text file called a "cookie" in the browser files of your computer. The cookie itself does not contain Personal Information although it will enable us to relate your use of this site to information that you have specifically and knowingly provided. But the only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply yourself. A cookie can't read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy uses cookies to track user traffic patterns (as described above). Our advertising system delivers a one-time cookie to better track ad impressions and click rates.

You can refuse cookies by turning them off in your browser. If you've set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies, you will receive the warning message with each cookie. You do not need to have cookies turned on to use this site. However, you do need cookies to participate actively in message boards, forums, polling and surveys.

Privacy Policy Use


BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy uses any information voluntarily given by our users to enhance their experience in our network of sites, whether to provide interactive or personalized elements on the sites or to better prepare future content based on the interests of our users.

As stated above, we use information that users voluntarily provide in order to send out electronic newsletters and to enable users to participate in polls, surveys, message boards, and forums. We send out newsletters to subscribers on a regular schedule (depending on the newsletter), and occasionally send out special editions when we think subscribers might be particularly interested in something we are doing. BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy never shares newsletter mailing lists with any third parties, including advertisers, sponsors or partners.

When we use tracking information to determine which areas of our sites users like and don't like based on traffic to those areas. We do not track what individual users read, but rather how well each page performs overall. This helps us continue to build a better service for you. We track search terms entered in Search function as one of many measures of what interests our users. But we don't track which terms a particular user enters.

BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy creates aggregate reports on user demographics and traffic patterns for advertisers, sponsors and partners. This allows our advertisers to advertise more effectively, and allows our users to receive advertisements that are pertinent to their needs. Because we don't track the usage patterns of individual users, an advertiser or sponsor will never know that a specific user clicked their ad. We will not disclose any information about any individual user except to comply with applicable law or valid legal process or to protect the personal safety of our users or the public.


BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy uses the above-described information to tailor our content to suit your needs and help our advertisers better understand our audience's demographics. This is essential to keeping our service free. We will not share information about individual users with any third party, except to comply with applicable law or valid legal process or to protect the personal safety of our users or the public.


BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy operates secure data networks protected by industry standard firewall and password protection systems. Our security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary and only authorized individuals have access to the information provided by our customers.


We give users options wherever necessary and practical. Such choices include:

Opting not to register to receive our electronic newsletters.


Opting not to participate in certain interactive areas, which completely alleviates the need to gather any personally identifiable information from our users



By using this site, you consent to the collection and use of this information by BerkSites and/or Flynns Pharmacy. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.




Our pharmacy is to give our patients this notice (in paper or electronically as the patient wishes) of our legal duties and privacy practices concerning their Protected Health Information, and also to tell our patients about their rights under HIPAA.

  1. Uses and Disclosures of Protected Health Information. There are two categories for the use and disclosure of our patients’ Protected Health Information: (A.) information that we can use and disclose without the patient’s prior consent; and (B.) information that we cannot use or disclose without the patient’s prior authorization.

   A. Patients’ Prior Consent Not Required.

1)      Treatment. In the first category, we are permitted to use and disclose our patients’ Protected Health Information in connection with their medical treatment in situations such as allowing a family member or other relative or a close personal friend or other person involved in the patient’s health care to pick up the patient’s prescriptions and to receive Protected Health Information that is directly related to the patient’s care. In doing so, we are to use our professional judgment and experience with common practice in determining what is in the patient’s best interest.   Other examples include sending information about a patient’s prescriptions to the patient’s family doctor or to a specialist who is treating the patient or to a hospital where the patient is receiving care, particularly if the patient has suffered a health emergency.

2)      Payment. If a patient is covered by a pharmacy benefit plan, we are entitled to send Protected Health Care Information to the plan or to another business entity involved in our billing system describing the medication or health care equipment we have dispensed so that we can be paid.

3)      Health Care Operations. In addition, we can provide Protected Health Information for health care operations such as evaluations of the quality of our patients’ health care in order to improve the success of treatment programs. Other examples include reviews of health care professionals, insurance premium rating, legal and auditing functions, and business planning and management.

4)      Other Permitted Uses and Disclosures. There are a number of other specified purposes for which we may disclose a patient’s Protected Health Information without the patient's prior consent (but with certain restrictions). Examples include public health activities; situations where there may be abuse, neglect or domestic violence; in connection with health oversight activities; in the course of judicial or administrative proceedings; in response to law enforcement inquiries; in the event of death; where organ donations are involved; in support of research studies; where there is a serious threat to health and safety; in cases of military or veterans’ activities; where national security is involved; for determinations of medical suitability; for government programs for public benefit; for workers’ compensation proceedings; when our records are being audited; when medical emergencies occur; and when we communicate with our patients orally or in writing about refilling prescriptions, about generic drugs that may be appropriate for a patient’s treatment, or about alternative therapies.

B. Patients’ Prior Authorization Required.

For purposes other than those mentioned above, we are required to ask for our patients’ written authorizations before using or disclosing any of their Protected Health Information. If we request an authorization, any of our patients may decline to agree, and if a patient gives us an authorization, the patient has the right to revoke the authorization and by doing so, stop any future uses and disclosures of the patient’s health information that the authorization covered. An example of a situation where the patient’s prior authorization would be required would be if we wish to conduct a marketing program that would involve the use of Protected Health Information.


  1. Patients’ Rights. HIPAA and the Regulations provide our patients with rights concerning their Protected Health Information. With limited exceptions (which are subject to review) each patient has the right to the following:


1)      Patient’s Record. Each patient can obtain a copy of his or her Protected Health Information upon written request. The only charge will be based on our cost in responding to the request. The amount of the charge will vary depending on the format the patient requests and whether the patient wants the record or a summary, and whether it is to be delivered by mail or otherwise. The patient will be told of the fee when the patient’s request is received. If at the time of the patient’s request we maintain an electronic health record with respect to Protected Health Information, the patient has a right to obtain a copy of the patient’s Protected Health Information in electronic form and to direct that the copy directed to a clearly identified person or entity.


2)      Accounting for Disclosures. Each patient can, upon written request, obtain a list of the disclosures of the patient’s Protected Health Information that have occurred within the 6 years preceding the request, except for disclosures made for the purposes of treatment, payment or health care operations and certain others. There will be no charge for the first request in any 12 month period, but we are entitled to charge a reasonable cost based fee for additional requests made in the same period of time. However, if at the time of the patient’s request we maintain an electronic health record with respect to Protected Health Information, the foregoing exception will not apply and the period covered for the accounting will be the 3 years preceding the request.


3)      Amendments. Each patient may ask to change the record of his or her own Protected Health Information upon written request explaining why the change should be made. We will review the request, but may decline to make the change if in our professional judgment we conclude that the record should not be changed.


4)      Communications. Upon written request, each patient can ask us to communicate with him or her about their own Protected Health Information in a confidential manner such as by sending mail to an address other than the home address or using a particular telephone number.


5)      Special Restrictions. Upon written request, each patient can ask us to adopt special restrictions that further limit our use and disclosure of the patient’s Protected Health Information (except where use and disclosure are required of us by law or in emergency circumstances). We will consider the request; but in accordance with HIPAA we are not required to agree to with the request; provided, however, we will comply with a patient’s request to restrict the disclosure of Protected Health Information to a health plan if the disclosure is for payment or health care operations (excluding treatment), and the disclosure pertains solely to a health care item or service for which we have been paid out of pocket in full.


6)      Complaints. If a patient believes that we have violated the patient’s rights as to the patient’s Protected Health Information under HIPAA or if a patient disagrees with a decision we made about access to the patient’s Protected Health Information, the patient has the right to file a written complaint with our Contact Person listed below. Our Contact Person is required to investigate, and if possible, to resolve each such complaint, and to advise the patient accordingly. The patient also has the right to send a written complaint to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Under no circumstances will any patient be retaliated against by this pharmacy for filing a complaint.


We are required by law to protect the privacy of our patients’ Protected Health Information, to provide this notice about our privacy practices, and follow the privacy practices that are described in this notice. We reserve the right to make changes in our privacy practices that will apply to all the Protected Health Information we maintain. A new notice will be available on request before any significant change is made.

Our Privacy Officer: Christopher S. Flynn, CEO Email: Contact Form

Telephone: 413-445-5567 Fax: 413-448-6122

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